How to apply for ECTEG course materials

All course materials developed for ECTEG are available free of charge strictly for law enforcement organisations involved in IT forensics or IT crime training process.

Who can apply?

One of the following organisations, which plans to organise one or more training session(s) restricted for attendees from Law Enforcement, based, fully or partially, on ECTEG materials:

  • Law Enforcement national authorities, with a mandate of law enforcement activities from an EU member state or member of Schengen or the European Economic Area (including customs, borders, judiciary, financial and tax fraud investigation units or intelligence services).
  • Any Law Enforcement Agencies, providing a supporting letter from one ECTEG Law Enforcement member, or recognised by Interpol, or by request from one organisation mentioned in point 5.
  • ECTEG academic members providing a supporting letter from a Law Enforcement Agency (who will select the attendees to the organised training session(s)).
  • Other bodies (academic, etc.), providing a supporting letter from one of ECTEG’s Law Enforcement members.
  • OSCE, UNODC, Council of Europe, CEPOL, Europol, OLAF, Eurojust, European Defence Agency, Frontex, Interpol.
We strongly advise to apply only for what your organisation will use as, by signing the agreement, you have to contribute to ECTEG materials quality improvement by providing feedback on courses you applied for, including statistics and comments.

How to apply?

Applications should be made in writing using the official application form (below) provided by ECTEG. The form should be filled, dated, printed and signed to be scanned and saved as a PDF file. It must be then sent to the ECTEG Board by email.

This document should include:

  • Clear identification of the organisation, including address and contact information (such as e-mail and phone number).
  • Name of the module the application is issued for.
  • If material is used as it is, fully or partially, or modified in any form.
  • If ECTEG materials will be fully or partially translated and in which languages(s).
  • Clear description of the student target group and number of students planned to be trained for this set of sessions.
  • Number of training sessions scheduled and during which period.
  • Number of teachers and/or trainers involved.
  • Signature by the authority with the legal power to engage the applicant organisation and affixed with the organisation’s official stamp.
  • If necessary, the letter should be signed and stamped by the supporting entity as described in the previous section.

Upon request from the ECTEG Board, the original printed document shall be provided by regular postal service.

Applicants must agree with the following conditions:
  • The requests for using materials need to be put forward at least four weeks in advance and no more than 12 months before the first planned training activity. Periods may not exceed 24 months and must start within 12 months after the application.
  • The application is valid for organising a single course module for the specified period. However, the training can include several sessions (each session representing a whole training of participants). In the case of a course involving several ECTEG modules, a clear curriculum listing of involved modules demonstrating the identified needs shall be provided.
  • The training of the law enforcement personnel facilitated by the release of the training materials shall be delivered on a “non-profit basis”: no commercial profit is gained by the provider of the training materials, except for covering expenses needed for the delivery of the training materials (typical expenses include room rental, equipment rental, production of course materials, the production/supply of student resources, fees payable to trainers for the delivery of the course, expenses necessarily incurred by trainers in attending courses, approved fees and expenses incurred by students in attending courses).
  • The course manager will be responsible for implementing any recommendations from the course training manual about classroom installation and configuration, how network configuration and computer settings are applied, and providing the number of advised trainers.
  • When modifying or translating ECTEG materials, it is necessary to follow ECTEG’s course development standards.
  • To provide the ECTEG Board with the date(s) and place(s) where the session(s) will be organised as soon as possible, and at least four weeks before the first training sessions. In case of change, inform the ECTEG Board as soon as possible.
  • To allow an ECTEG-appointed and funded expert to attend any training session(s) as an observer.
  • To organise feedback gathering by course attendees, teachers and trainers using ECTEG’s online feedback system or provided ECTEG feedback forms.
  • If necessary, to involve an ECTEG-referenced trainer, at least during the first session on this topic, within the applying organisation. In case ECTEG’s referenced trainer is not working for the organisation, to arrange and cover travel costs, accommodation and daily subsistence allowance.
  • To include ECTEG’s logo and the “Funded by the European Union” mention on all materials, including modified and translated ones.
  • To provide to the ECTEG Board at the latest two months after each session a report including:
    • A comprehensive overview of the comments and suggestions for updates
    • Number of participants

ECTEG approval and material delivery

The approval or refusal by the ECTEG Board will be communicated to the applicant within 14 days of receiving the request via e-mail.

  • The ECTEG Board may refuse without explaining the causes. In case of refusal, if a LEA or ECTEG member supports the application, the reasons for rejection will be provided to this body upon request to the Board.
  • In case of agreement, materials are electronically delivered to the applicant 2 weeks following the approval.
Please contact us to discuss any further details of your application for the course materials.